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part2 just overwrites every file from part1?? Any reason? Any difference at all between the two files? ..Except for the compression method.

Try separating the two parts in different folders and then opening them. You will get an error. Both parts must be present in the same location because they are two parts of the same archive. You were literally copying the same files over twice because they were literally the same files.


honestly I'm surprised & pleased Konami allowed you to keep the work done up, it's actually quite magnanimous of them.

nice game, the levelmap is exactly like in the original! But after a while I couldnt throw the axe. pressing "r" dont throw the axe, only a few times


Unbelievable. Framerate is unbelievably choppy on my Nokia N-Gage. Tried playing it on my parents' Gateway 2000 and had similar results. WTF?

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My dude... what on earth possessed you to try using a nokia n-gage to play this?  This is a fan made game in unreal engine, it's not gonna be well optimized.  It also got a C&D like 6 years ago, they're not gonna update or add anything at this point.




Its not hard to believe someone would try to do that when you take a look at other fan games and official games unofficially ported to modded consoles/handhelds, ie. super mario war on a jailbroken nintendo wii/3ds, sonic 3 complete on a jailbroken nintendo wii, SRB2 (Sonic Robo Blast 2) on a jailbroken PSP, with emulation and modding anything is possible.

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Neither example given is built on the Unreal Engine but even so the point here is; r/woooosh 

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did you ever get the license to complete working on the game? also is there a way to use a controller?


Looking AWESOME! Chuckled when I saw that the loot drops (money bags) glowed. LOOOOOOT! The addition of foreground scrolling was refreshing. Very nice job!

Super rad! Fingers crossed for licensing. And a Mac port. :-)

Brilliant and beautiful. Revived the game in a way like a true remaster and I hope you can sign with Konami to have copyrights! Good luck!


wait till inreal 5 gets out. it will be perfect

group here that uses unreal engine 4 that just did great things at an expo last week open to help :)

I think the creator intended for the movements to be emulating the same as in the nes

The game remake looks great. It has an appealing look and the gameplay is fine and fluid. I would work on improving the character's animation and some of creature animations (I would recommend to hire a professional animator). Other than that it looks pretty cool.

It's a pitty about Konami. This is my advice: keep the game structure and just rebranch the project (change the name of the game and the characters names, etc) and you will be able to release it even comercially.

Good luck.

Name can be like.."Tears of blood", vampire nights, demon castle dracula (or dracula's castle perhaps) , night stalkers etc... Vampire Hunter, vampire killer are already used names by respective movies or game developers. 

I hate Konami

looks amazing

A great project,it looks really good!

Here is a short video we made while playing:

Keep up the good work!!!

Are you still working on this behind the scenes?

well, i've been messing around with something different. but similar.  

maybe i'll release that next halloween if it's done. 

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Nice!  :D

If you ever get that license, would you finish this game?

oh yes, i'd love to finish this game. 



Came back to play this 'demo' again and I still love it. I really wish Konami would try and win back their fans by allowing you to continue development on this. This is a project I'd gladly donate towards.


While it's a shame your work was halted, I applaud what you did manage to accomplish. It's a beauty of a remake and I, personally, would love to see other classics be given the Unreal treatment. I'm not even a big Castlevania fan and this was super nice. Good job.

is there anyway for this to work on an android tablet? or anyway i can get this game for someone whos not a very good software person? ill even pay

I'll pay too.

Pretty neat so far, screw Konami though, pricks.

What happened with Konami and this game? Did you get the license or no.


Game will not install for me. dont know why. running Win10 with 12Gig of ram and 8550 Mobile Graphics

is there any news about the C&D,,, Konomi is like that I hear. Much like Nintendo they want eveything to be theirs forever, even if its abandoned or statis-ware

So what's the status on that Konami deal? Did Jay help you?

Just now i came up this game. Gotta say, it looks great and plays quite fair being under development. Runs smooth framerate btw, and i can play with my xbox360 controller for windows just fine, only stairs gives some troubles. Did you know that the music is loud, as loud it almost breaks itself? Maybe too much amped or something. None the less, this game looks nice and plays nice, kudos! PS. Its too shame, that konami seized this, i was looking forward to see the finished game. Oh well, maybe someday?

Why would they want to stop u...!!!! This is great so far..

Konami requires the Castlevania name only be used on pachinko machines. #FucKonami

Is not so simple. By definition, if they don't defend they IP (or TM, I don't remember which), they can lose it. Is not like this remake is a problem to they, but if they don't do nothing, they can lose the IP (or TM, as I said).

I love it and really hope Konami stops the C&D and help the developer (dejawolf) to finish the game, I love Castelvania games from the NES and SNES and the Game Boy but on the PC they have never felt as fun.

This game is hitting all the marks, The animation has a kind of macabre stop monition feeling, the sound and music is very good and the lighting, the colors and effects are very lush and in the correct style for the franchise.

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